20th International Symposium on Field- and Flow-Based Separations (FFF2020)
This time we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of our International Symposium on Field- and Flow-based Separations in Vienna, Austria.
We invite you to four days of cutting-edge science, high-level presentations and lively discussions in a city world-known for its charm and hospitality.
FFF2020 will be held February, 23. – 27., 2020 and is focused on the new developments and applications of all forms of Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF) and related field- and flow separation techniques such as: SPLITT, nanoscale flow separations, and electro-, magnetic-, acoustic-, and dielectrophoretic-driven separations.
The program will be of interest to scientists and engineers concerned with separation and characterization of all types of polymers, colloids, and particles in liquid media including: proteins, protein aggregates, bioparticles (viruses, cells), biopolymers, natural polymers (polysaccharides), synthetic polymers, emulsions, humic and fulvic acids, environmental particles, colloids and and nanoparticles. The symposium will follow the established mix of oral and poster presentations of previous symposia.
The symposium will be held in the 9th district, on one of the Campuses of the University of Vienna and organized by EDGE-Environmental Geosciences, part of the Center for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Sciences. On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Program Committees, Frank von der Kammer and Thilo Hofmann are pleased to invite you to participate in this event.